PPT Slide
The Split-Mortgage Payment
Here's the good news! The split mortgage payment program doesn't require the homeowner to refinance! It will convert their current monthly mortgage payment of $1100 (PITI) to $550 every two weeks with our Split-Mortgage Payment system. This will save the homeowner $64,551 in interest on a$100,000 mortgage and have their mortgage paid off nearly 10 years early! *
The homeowner also receives an Annual Mortgage Audit to verify the correct mortgage balance after prepayments and interest rate adjustments. This avoids costly Lender miscalculations! The FDIC revealed recently that nearly 50% of mortgages have been miscalculated, costing homeowners 8 to 10billion dollars! The homeowner receives an updated periodic Loan Amortization Schedule to track their payoff progress! Additionally, the homeowner receives a Refinancing Cost Analysis when needed to determine if refinancing makes good financial sense.
* Assumes $100,000 mortgage, $1,100 monthly payment (PITI), 30 year term, 8.5% interest rate.